What are your transferable skills and how can you sell them?

As someone who within the last year has had a career change, I can relate to this topic very well. When I was applying for new roles I had that fear in the back of my mind that I would need to start from scratch, and just thinking about starting all over again was exhausting!

Luckily for me and for many others, whatever field of work you have been previously or currently, you have a versatile skill set that you can take your next position. These skills aren’t even always developed at work, in fact many of our most critical transferable skills we have developed in our community roles or through our interests and hobbies.

To give you an example, I had previous experience in the events industry, and when it came to applying for a role in Recruitment as an Administrator I was able to establish my transferable skills demonstrated my ability to perform the tasks for this new position:

  • Data Entry – in my previous role I had experience updating event registrations and managing client databases.
  • Customer Service – in my previous experience in retail and events I had developed the skills to liaise with clients and customers, both over the phone and in a professional manner face-to-face.
  • Website maintenance – in my most recent position I had worked extensively with CMS Websites for Conferences.

I could give you many examples of transferable skills; of course it will always be subject to your background and the particular role that you are trying to apply for. But have you ever actually taken a moment to reflect on your own transferable skills? Or more to the point, do you actively outline these skills when applying for different roles or positions?

Research has consistently shown that those job applicants that can demonstrate their transferable skills in their resume are more likely to get short-listed than those that don’t. So review the job descriptions and advertisements of the positions you would like to pursue. What are the skills they are looking for? What skills have you already demonstrated in your career? Providing these examples in your resume and at interview will not only be helpful to your future employer, but will help you stand out from the crowd!

Looking for a great way to communicate your transferable skills, have a look at our blog post: ‘How impressive is your elevator pitch?’ and want help examining your transferable skills, Challenge Consulting’s CV Writing Service may be helpful to you.