Job Search Tips for 2018 and Beyond


The world of recruitment is rapidly changing and the way we need to approach changes in our career is changing as technology and new platforms enter the industry.


Don’t Overestimate Technology and AI

Artificial intelligence is a big deal with recruitment agencies, many people claiming that chatbots will help you get your next interview.

The way we see it, if AI can acquire advanced “humanistic” features and sense the vibe your are projecting, it is not likely to increase your chances of landing a job. It is still true today that nothing beats getting a referral or face to face meeting  from someone you know.


Think Outside the Box to Gain New Skills

Volunteering and entrepreneurial ventures are great ways to gain new job experiences and skills. Don’t accept “You don’t have the experience” as the last word. Go get that experience.


Keep Engaged

The modern job seeker remains perpetually engaged in the job search in a number ways: networking, consulting, training (as both trainee and facilitator), professional development, and social media promotion. Take every opportunity you can to build your personal brand.


Add Life Into Your Resume

Stop treating your resume like a transactional document.Use your experiences to craft stories that demonstrate your results from those experiences .

Also stop treating the job search as a transactional process. At every step, try to approach your job search as a “collaborative, engaging partnership,” between you and the employer of recruiter.


Social Proof

Social media profiles alone are not enough.Demonstrate the value you create as an employee shared by others on social media.

Are you engaged in the conversation at large in your industry? Have you published articles or peer-reviewed research? Does the industry recognize your contributions? More than 90 percent of recruiters check out potential candidates on social media. They will take notice if they see you actively engaged in your industry.


Degrees Not Totally Necessary

A higher education degree is no longer the sure bet to advance your career. Before investing in another degree, take a look at successful people in your industry or career track.


Use Your Phone

Your phone is invaluable in your job search. Scanning documents, sending emails, submitting applications, completing assessments, online courses and social networking on platforms like Linkedin. Your can do everything on your phone.


The Dreaded ATS

More than 70 percent of resumes are rejected by applicant tracking systems (ATSs) before they’re ever seen by a human being. Using a tool like Jobscan will help you format and write your resume to get past the ATS by comparing the job ad to your resume and make suggestions on how to improve your chances.


Big and Small Company Size Does Not Matter

Big companies are not the only option. Small businesses and startups can be fantastic and a great way to utilise more of your skillset. Consider freelancing with a potential employer to test drive their culture and how you may fit before committing fulltime.


Google Your Self

Recruiters and employers will be looking you up on Google, Google yourself  weekly. Take note of any results that are less than flattering including those that may be about other people who happen to share your name. Get familiar with a answer if questioned on these results during an interview.


Get Comfortable on Camera

Video is becoming increasingly effective during the interview process. We see it everyday and the best way to standout create a video resume talk about you, your skills and achievements this will give the best view of you directly to potential employers and recruiters.


This article was sourced from on the 22nd May 2018 (